1st PHASTRAC Workshop coming up at the IEEE NANO 2024

1st PHASTRAC Workshop coming up at the IEEE NANO 2024

Our first PHASTRAC workshop will take place soon! Venue: IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology Date: July 8-11, 2024, Gij´on Spain Title: Phase Transition Materials for Energy Efficient Edge Computing Workshop Program – 09:00 – 09:45 Welcome and PHASTRAC...
Filip Sabo presented his Conference Paper at DATE 2024

Filip Sabo presented his Conference Paper at DATE 2024

Filip Sabo presented his conference paper “Classonn: Classification with oscillatory neural networks using the kuramoto model,” at the Design, Automation, Test in Europe (DATE) 2024 – Valencia, Spain (25 – 27 March, 2024). Find the link to the conference...
Poster presentation of Edgar Luhulima at SSI Conference

Poster presentation of Edgar Luhulima at SSI Conference

How to perform multimodal processing at the edge? Edgar Luhulima, Master student at TU/e and member of the PHASTRAC-team, presented his work with a poster entitled ‘Multimodal Processing at the Edge’ at the SmartSystemIntegration (SSI) Conference in...
Consortium Meeting at PPKE in Budapest

Consortium Meeting at PPKE in Budapest

On March 19-20, the PHASTRAC team had a successful meeting, where part of the team gathered in-person at Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPKE) in Budapest, Hungary, while others joined online. The meeting was filled with engaging discussions, updates on exciting...