Upcoming events attended by our PHASTRAC members

Upcoming events attended by our PHASTRAC members

📢 Catch our PHASTRAC team members at the following upcoming events in August and September: “Energy-Efficient ML Acceleration: From Technologies to Circuits and Systems” 🗓️ Special session, organized by Prof. Aida Todri-Sanial at the ISLPED 2023 ACM/IEEE...

Invited Talk at the University of Milan – May ’23

‘A brain inspired computing approach: the role of material science’ was the title of the invited talk of Dr. Valeria Bragaglia at the Mini-Colloquia Series on The Intelligence Of “Artificial” Things: A multidisciplinary discourse on natural and artificial...

Invited Talk at MRS Spring – April ’23

Dr. Valeria Bragaglia gave an invited talk at MRS Spring, 2023 in San Francisco on ‘Mitigating analog memory non-idealities for in-memory inference and learning of DNN’. Find the abstract...

Invited Talk at EHCI Colloquium – March ’23

Prof. Aida Todri-Sanial gave an invited talk at the Eindhoven Henri Casimir Institute (EHCI) on future computing from qubits to coupled oscillators. The talk covered the scientific objectives and ongoing developments on harnessing nonlinear dynamics of coupled...